A snotty bicycle health freak

As a general rule, I keep work-related things out of this blog, but I happen to be in an area of work that is very related to some of what I blog about here, namely, the bicycling, active transportation, and health aspects.  So I’m going to break my rule and share a link to anContinue reading “A snotty bicycle health freak”

In which a crazy pregnant lady goes dumpster diving

It all started out innocently enough.  With the warmer temps, I spent some time cleaning our sun porch on Friday in preparation for being able to use it again soon. In the process of breaking down a cardboard box for recycling, I pulled off the packing tape, and since I was already outside on myContinue reading “In which a crazy pregnant lady goes dumpster diving”

Happy things: Blue tutus and chocolate peanut butter bites

A quick glance at the title may throw you, but this post is not completely random.  Nope!  In fact, it’s about bikes and food, with a few green notes for extra credit — completely on topic. While I rode in the Tour de Fat bicycle parade sans costume (i.e., wearing regular clothing), many riders outfittedContinue reading “Happy things: Blue tutus and chocolate peanut butter bites”

On the Bike

Ready.  Set.  Ride! Bicycle Beginnings I’ve heard the story many times: the bike starts out as a wonderful tool for fun and freedom as a child and preteen, but somewhere along the way, it gets replaced by a car.  Fortunately, it’s never too late to reclaim your bicycle. Here’s my story: Part 1 Part 2Continue reading “On the Bike”